RIP Terry Pratchett

(Photo copyright Rob Wilkins) It was a genuine shock when I turned on my phone to check the news and saw that Sir Terry Pratchett had passed away. Even though the diagnosis of a rare form of Alzheimer’s disease was widely known, his passing was completely unexpected and he was…

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Film Adaptations Of Genre Book Series: Searching For Franchises

I saw The Hunger Games in the cinema – it was enjoyable, with an interesting setting and characters and some social commentary, and certainly a lot better than Twilight – but it got me thinking about the success of film adaptations of best-selling genre book series. The sequel to The…

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Being David Norman

When I started this sporadic blog back in January 2005, comic book bloggers preferred unusual names for their blogs instead of using their actual names (in contrast to today when the advice is to own your domain name so that you can control your brand). I’m not sure why this…

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Not The Royal Wedding

People want to feel attached to a ‘historic’ moment in their lifetime. I wanted nothing to do with it, and this is my reminder of that day. Friday morning was wonderfully quiet in the suburbs of London. Instead of being one of the idiots who had camped out the night…

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