I’m back. Miss me? No, I didn’t think so …
I still love you though …
Reviews, reviews, reviews … HO!
Comics bought 24/2/05
Fantastic Four #523
Mark Waid tries to give Galen some humanity, which is something I’ve never seen before, and gives nice moments to Johnny Storm, which is the most sincere I’ve felt he’s been treated. And the last page is priceless (I wonder if he got this idea when Jemas told Waid that he wanted to make the FF into a sitcom?)
Hunter-Killer #1
Apart from Marc Silvestri overdoing the heroine’s breast size, he does okay. He pulls off the trick of making it look like he’s trying too hard yet at the same time that he’s just sketching it. I think he’s a good artist, if a little inconsistent, and prone to the ‘flash’ art that is associated with Image. His mech stuff looks slack but actually quite detailed. Waid’s writing doesn’t seem as controlled as his other stuff, which may be deliberate, but it has an affect on the story, allowing Silvestri latitude to do what he wants. The captions don’t sizzle, like in FF, and some of the story points seem a little odd; Wolf, the in control tough guy, gets knocked out by some bits of wood falling on him? And Ellis comes off as gormless, instead of naïve (which might be what they’re aiming at). Still, I’m interested, but needs improvement.
Legion of Super Heroes #3
Triad or Triplicate Girl? I prefer the former, personally. Anyway, we get to the three, and the art stops being good – Art Thibert is a good inker but not a good finisher for Barry Kitson, in my opinion. This is not a good idea for a new series trying to get its feet off the ground. Interesting reinterpretation for Lornu, having her as the only person to survive on the planet, instead of being something that everybody could do. The story splits (haha) into three, with our heroine on three dates with different members of the LSH, which gives us a nice look at them without it coming across as blatant expostion. The end is a nice twist, with a hint of darkness in the brightness of the future. There is plenty of humour, which is a good vibe for this iteration of the LSH. ‘She can’t be Triplicate Girl, I am!’ was very funny, and the line ‘Use your power’ suggested that sex isn’t going to be ignored either. Good stuff.
Powers #9
The dialogue between Christian and Deena is one of the main joys of this book, and this issue has some great exchanges, with Brian Michael Bendis on top form. Deena’s boyfriend comes back in a subplot that will return. A multi-multi-panel interview keeps Mike Oeming on his toes, keeping talking heads interesting. The twist at the end was good (well, I didn’t see it coming until the dialogue in the interrogation room) so I’m looking forward to see what happens next.
Seven Soldiers #0
It’s wonderful seeing Grant Morrison being allowed to do his thing in the DCU – great dialogue, interesting characters, something sinister and big going on in the background, a sense of history and fanboy love of the form and the buzz of creativity. JH Williams does a great job, from the weird to the normal to the superhero, and his Whip is a sexy lass in the S&M. I got a great a great rush from reading this, feeling the same sensation I got when I first encountered Morrison reading Zenith back in 2000AD, and this journey has started just as well. Bring on the story.
Sleeper #9
The mind games continue, with everyone playing an angle and trying to come out on top. The tension is electric and, although it’ll be sad to see this series end, at least it will come to a definite end, which will hopefully put an excellent cap to a wonderful series. Sean Phillips does the noir so well; this is a perfect blend of story theme and artistic atmosphere, from the talking to the shoot out. Bring on the denouement.
Wonder Woman #213
The politics of Greek gods are played out using Diana as a pawn in a coup against Zeus, including a big fight with the hundred-armed Briareos. James Riaz does a better job than his last issue, and Greg Rucka keeps his plates spinning. This reminds me a little of Simonson’s run on The Mighty Thor, except without the brilliant bombastic art and perhaps a little slower, but good stuff nonetheless.
Well, I missed you. Where ya been?