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From a Library: JSA Savage Times

Justice Society of America: Savage Times (collecting #39–45)
Geoff Johns, David Goyer and Leonard Kirk

There are two conclusions that can be easily drawn from my From A Library reviews:

1. My local library has quite a good stock of graphic novels/collections
2. I will read just about anything

I’m not a big fan of the JSA; I think I have the issues written by James Robinson (influenced by my love for his Starman series) but it didn’t do anything for me, and I have always felt they were ‘Old Man’ comic books, which is completely irrational but also my valid opinion. I thought I’d have a look and see what the stories were like, especially as it still keeps going.

I found these extremely average comic book tales. The JSA may represent a bygone era but it doesn’t mean that the comics should read like they are from a bygone era.

The first story is a flimsy little yarn about a supervillain’s obsession with Power Girl and her special breasts (does that mean that the supervillain is Dave, and that is what is Boob War is all about?) The second tale is the single most cloying and embarrassing story I think I’ve ever read; I’m amazed the pages didn’t stick to my hands, they were so syrupy. A supervillain holds a school class hostage in order for Dr Mid-Nite to operate on his grandfather. The operation fails and he is going to kill the kids in front of the superheroes, who can do nothing to stop him, only for the incredibly stupid villain to give up when the kids tell him what they want to be when they grow up. Dear Sweet Zombie Jesus. I could not believe this piece of shite. The pain, the pain!

The main story of the collection involves some silly time travel, just so we can see the original Mr Terrific, go back to ancient Egypt, to meet Vandal Savage, Metamorph, the original soul of Hawgirl, Black Adam as a young man, and Nabu, just so they can tick off the various points of DC continuity. Oh, and there’s some fighting thrown in, just to keep the kids happy. The collection is rounded off with a dreary courtroom drama where the terrorist Lord Naga eventually escapes, for a final page reveal of Mordru taking over Dr Fate. Booooorrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg. I’m amazed that this series is still ongoing. DC fanboys are strange.

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